
電気通信大学 大学院情報理工学研究科 基盤理工学専攻 生命情報工学講座


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Shirakawa, H., Ito, M., Sato, M., Umezawa, Y., and Miyazaki, S. Measurement of intracellular IP3 during Ca2+ oscillation in mouse eggs with GFP-based FRET probe. Biochem Biophys Res Comm 345: 781-788, 2006

Kouchi, Z., Shikano, T., Nakamura, Y., Shirakawa, H., Fukami, K., and Miyazaki, S. The role of EF-hand domains and C2 domain in regulation of enzymatic activity of phospholipase Czeta. J Biol Chem 280: 21015-21021, 2005

Sone, Y., Ito, M., Shirakawa, H., Shikano, T., Takeuchi, H., Kinoshita, K., and Miyazaki, S. Nuclear translocation of phospholipase C-zeta, an egg-activating factor, during early embryonic development. Biochem Biophys Res Comm 330: 690-694, 2005

Yoda, A., Oda, S., Shikano T., Kouchi, Z., Awaji, T., Shirakawa, H., Kinoshita, K. and Miyazaki, S. Ca2+ oscillation-inducing phospholipase C zeta expressed in mouse eggs is accumulated to the pronucleus during egg activation.Dev Biol 268: 245-257, 2004

Shirakawa, H., and Miyazaki, S. Blind spectral decomposition of single cell fluorescence by parallel factor analysis. Biophy J 86: 1739-1752, 2004

Awaji, T., Hirasawa, A., Shirakawa, H., Tsujimoto, G. and Miyazaki, S. Novel GFP-based ratiometric indicators for monitoring pH in defined intracellular microdomains. Biochem Biophys Res Comm 289: 457-462, 2001

Mohri, T., Shirakawa, H., Oda, S., Sato, M.S., Mikoshiba, K., and Miyazaki, S. Analysis of Mn2+/Ca2+ influx and release during Ca2+ oscillations in mouse eggs injected with sperm extract. Cell Calcium 29: 311-325, 2001

Deguchi, R., Shirakawa, H., Oda, S., Mohri, T., and Miyazaki, S. Spatiotemporal analysis of Ca2+ waves in relation to the sperm entry site and animal-vegetal axis during Ca2+ oscillations in fertilized mouse eggs. Dev Biol 218: 299-313, 2000

Shirakawa, H., and Miyazaki, S. Spatiotemporal characterization of intracellular Ca2+ rise during the acrosome reaction of mammalian spermatozoa induced by zona pellucida. Dev Biol 208: 70-78, 1999

Mohri, T., Miyazaki, S., Shirakawa, H., and Ikegami, S. Sperm-induced local [Ca2+]i rise separated from the Ca2+ wave in sea urchin eggs in the presence of a gamete fusion inhibitor, jaspisin. Development 125: 293-300, 1998

Nakano, Y., Shirakawa, H., Mitsuhashi, N., Kuwabara, Y, and Miyazaki, S. Spatiotemporal dynamic of intracellular calcium in the mouse egg injected with a spermatozoon. Mol Hum Reprod 3: 1087-1093, 1997

Shirakawa, H., and Miyazaki, S. Spatiotemporal analysis of calcium dynamics in the nucleus of hamster oocytes. J Physiol 494: 29-40, 1996

Shiraishi, K., Okada, A., Shirakawa, H., Nakanishi, S., Mikoshiba, K., and Miyazaki, S. Developmental changes in the distribution of the endoplasmic reticulum and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors and the spatial pattern of Ca2+ release during maturation of hamster oocytes. Dev Biol 170: 594-606, 1995

Shirakawa, H., and Miyazaki, S. Evidence for inositol tetrakisphosphate-activated Ca2+ influx pathway refilling inositol trisphosphate-sensitive Ca2+ stores in hamster egg. Cell Calcium 17: 1-13, 1995

Fujiwawa, T., Nakada, K., Shirakawa, H., and Miyazaki, S. Development of inositol trisphosphate-induced calcium release mechanism during maturation of hamster oocytes. Dev Biol 156: 69-79, 1993

De Santis, R., Shirakawa, H., Nakada, K., Miyazaki, S., Hoshi, M., Marino, R., and Pinto, M.R. Evidence that metalloendoproteases are involved in gamete fusion of Ciona intestinalis, Ascidia. Dev Biol 153: 165-171, 1992

Miyazaki, S., Shirakawa, H., Nakada, K., Honda, Y., Yuzaki, M., Nakade, S., and Mikoshiba, K. Antibody to the inositol trisphosphate receptor blocks thimerosal-enhanced Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release and Ca2+ oscillations in hamster eggs. FEBS letters 309: 180-184, 1992

Miyazaki, S., Yuzaki, M., Nakada, K., Shirakawa, H., Nakanishi, S., Nakade, S., and Mikoshiba, K. Block of Ca2+ wave and Ca2+ oscillation by antibody to the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor in fertilized hamster eggs. Science 257: 251-255, 1991


白川英樹 多変量解析的手法による蛍光スペクトル成分分離法とその細胞生理学的実験への応用 日本生理学雑誌 66(12):381-390, 2004

白川英樹、宮崎俊一 共焦点レーザー顕微鏡 その原理と応用 東京女子医科大学雑誌64: 1043-1048, 1994

宮崎俊一、白川英樹 精子ー卵相互作用のシグナル伝達メカニズム 生体の科学45(1): 79-90, 1994

Miyazaki, S., Shirakawa, H., Nakada, K., and Honda, Y. Essential role of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor/Ca2+ release channel in Ca2+ waves and Ca2+ oscillations at fertilization of mammalian eggs. Dev Biol 158: 62-78, 1993


Miyazaki, S., Nakada, K., and Shirakawa, H. Signal transduction of gamete interaction and intracellular calcium release at fertilization of mammalian eggs. in "Biology of Germ Lines in Animals and Man. (ed. Mohri H., Takahashi, M., and Tachi, C.)" : 125-143, Japan Scientific Societies Press, Tokyo

白川英樹、宮崎俊一 「細胞内Ca2+ を見る」 電子顕微鏡基礎技術と応用1994〜物質のナノ局在解析〜(第5回電顕サマースクール実行委員会編): 190-199、学際企画

白川英樹、宮崎俊一 「卵細胞のカルシウム:ハムスター」 細胞内カルシウム実験プロトコール(工藤佳久編)、羊土社

